The Online Investing University is one of the biggest educational platforms to learn about investments, and is currently including over 7'000 students. Which field are we investing? The forex market, which is based on the buy or sell action of two currencies, for example, the euro versus the US dollar.

During the last decade, the internet area allowed to a lot of people to have the access to the online trading. It looks simple since you can profit from this market by placing orders from your phone or your computer. Unfortunately, most of them are failing, they don't know how to control their emotions or how to have a proper risk management.

The main purpose of the Online Investing University is to help you to become a better version of yourself in the trading industry. As you can see below, there are different modules, in order to help you. It doesn't matter if you are a newbie or an advanced trader, you will find your happiness in this online course. I would recommend you go through all the chapters, since they will all bring you some extra-value that can potentially help you to improve different aspects in your trading career.

24/7 members acces:

Learn everything about the forex market, when you want, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This course is for advanced and newbies traders.

Private Trader's chatroom

Online group available on whatsapp to create your own forex trading network: Charts, constructive feedbacks will be provided in this group

Live meet-ups:

The Online Forex University is organising meet-ups with its student everywhere around the world.

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